suite orquestras enfo helsinki


  • 5 feb 2015
  • URL
  • European Network of folk orchestras

European Network of folk orchestras

Education and Culture DG

ENFO is a project in line with the tasks of preservation, study and development of the musical heritage that pretends to establish a stable and permanent cooperation network between music schools, orchestras and another associations around the promotion of folk and traditional music from contemporary and urban culture. ENFO lean on the respect to different musical traditions of each of the european communities, in the solid conviction that the oral tradition can be a meeting point and sharing of experiences between the european countries and the rapprochment to different world cultures. ENFO also provides a clearer understanding and helps the coexistence of different visions of the same musical language.

The principal objectives are:

  • The creation of new contemporary folk orchestras linked to institutions of different educational levels that teach traditional music.
  • To consolidate an infrastructure that assist to the different partners in collaboration and synergies to benefit from the knowledge of one another promoting the european contemporary folk music.
  • To promote transnational mobility among the musicians, teachers and students, promoting exchange, knowledge transfer about music traditions and their modern treatment of traditional music.
  • To organise musical events and meetings to address the musical diversity along Europe.